June 18, 2020 by Kristen Morales, UGA

When the University of Georgia set about to remove White Dam, an outdated dam on the North Oconee River, the process involved more than moving heavy concrete. It also required cutting through piles of red tape and layers of approvals.

But in the end, the project proved to be a valuable example of how landowners, agencies and nonprofits can work together for a shared end goal: a healthier river. Now, the multi-agency team that cut its teeth removing White Dam has released the first handbook to removing obsolete dams, putting a successful process on paper for future landowners and agencies to reference.

The “Handbook for the Removal or Modification of Obsolete Dams in Georgia” is now available for download on the website for the Georgia Aquatic Connectivity Team.

Read more here: https://news.uga.edu/warnell-handbook-obsolete-dam-removals/